Stu-Pid tried weaseling:
>>> So you can explain it all to tomorrow.
>> Still waiting, asshole...
>> See what happens when people call your childish bluffs?
>> That was YOU sending out those "copyright infringement lawsuit" notices,
>> wasn't it? No, on second thought, you're not that smart.
> I'm betting that they haven't read the email I sent, they'll get
> around to you eventually. Please be patient Bob.
So you're admitting that "tomorrow" was bullshit? Might just as well admit
that your entire complaint is bullshit while you're at it.
Come to think of it... members, do you realize that not all pork should be cooked
the same way? Stu's website has an
entire page dedicated to outlining the best ways of cooking the different
cuts of pork. Of course, since it's Stu's site, the actual material there
has been copied from other sources -- any ORIGINAL work on Stu's site is
quite minor, and not actually related to cooking. The material quoted was
stolen from elsewhere, and Stu has scummily failed to provide any
attribution. It's also not anything close to a complete treatment of the
topic, but your expectations should be very low anyway, if you've ever
visited Stu's site before.