Enough of the food bigotry; an accurate treatees on vegans
On alt.food.vegan, Kate Connally > wrote:
> On 4/1/2010 4:53 PM, PLucas wrote:
>> Getting right to the point...................We should just eat
>> vegans.
> Yeah, I hear they taste like pork! Wouldn't they be appalled
> at that? ;-)
Every day around the world, about 16,000 children die of
starvation. (About 15,000,000 a year.) While people you like you
pay people to feed about 16 poounds of protein-rich grain and
legumes to cows so that you can have your dietary drug fix.
About a third of the world's population is starving as you
read this.
It isn't just an argument on the Usenet.