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ImStillMags ImStillMags is offline
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Default Easter Dinner Menu

On Apr 3, 4:19*pm, koko > wrote:

I've been doing a bit of prep for tomorrow's dinner. I decided to
make the deviled eggs a curried deviled
egg after reading this thread about them.

At the restaurant we made a chicken curry chutney salad and so I took
the recipe for the curry-chutney
dressing and played with it a bit, not much, and used it for the
'mayo' for the eggs.

Cilantro is called for in the salad but not in the dressing. I
minced up a couple teaspoons of cilantro
and added it to the 'mayo'. These came out really well. I think
this is a keeper.

The only ingredient I didn't use for the dressing is the jalapeno.
But I did use the cayenne. I was afraid
the jalapeno might be too much for some of my guests.

The eggs came out with a really nice curry flavor and the hint of
Major Grey chutney and cilantro really
added a lot.