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Motzarella[_2_] Motzarella[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 54
Default Harry Demidavicius

It is with a deep sadness and a heavy heart that I have to report the
passing today of our close friend Harry. After a long and progressive
illness, Harry passed away today in Nanaimo, BC.

A long and active participant on RFC and cook-ins throughout the Northwest,
Harry had a deep and abiding love for people and cooking, not mention
drinking and making wine. But mostly, his long time love of his life, Sam
(Samantha) made him smile each and every day. And of course, his adopted
home of Canada gave him an immense pride and joy. I think the Olympic gold
in hockey in Vancouver sent him on with a huge smile.

Kaari and I have had the great fortune to be a close friend of Harry and Sam
for many years, both in Calgary and in Nanaimo. We shared a love of cooking,
wine, travel and people. We have no greater memories in life than sharing
time and life with Harry and Sam.

Tonight, I will open a bottle of red, and toast him long into the night.
Harry, we will miss you more than my words can express.

Alan & Kaari