Lamb prep
"Melba's Jammin'" > ha >
> EJ Willson > wrote:
I will cook the lamb >> at my house. The meal is about 1 1/2 hours drive
from my house. I'd like
>> to have the lamb hot at serving time, and yet not spend the entire >>
>> cooking time waiting for dinner at the place where the meal will be >>
>> served. Is it possible/safe to partially precook the lamb at my house,
>> drive to the meal and final cook the lamb there?
> Drive it to your host's home today, drop it off with explicit >
> instructions for roasting it, and get a room at the nearest AmericInn. >
> OR drive it to your host's town, where you've gotten a room for the
> night, and go to the host's home early and roast it there. I would not >
> risk spoiling a big chunk of flesh with 90 minutes on the road.
There's a load of official opinion that agrees with you, Barb. There's no
way to guarantee that meat stays in the safe zone for all that time, plus if
it is wrapped up very well, it will steam and cook the whole time as well as
being a breeding ground for whatever.
I would not eat meat abused in this way for both taste and safety. If it
were cooked, chilled, transported and reheated it would be safer, but then
would taste like leftovers.