(2010-03-26) Dietary restrictions?
On Mar 27, 5:59*am, ChattyCathy > wrote:
> I can't help but get the feeling that some people think of the
> terms "Jewish" and "Muslim" as if they were the names of
> certain 'races'. They're not. They're just two of the many religions
> out there - and one is free to switch to another religion, become
> agnostic or even become an atheist if one thinks that the doctrine of
> certain religion(s) is unacceptable to them.
I was busy prepping for Passover when this came up, and didn't see it
until today. There are plenty of people of any religion who don't
follow the laws and precepts of their faith.
Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, Jains, and no doubt other faiths
include dietary restrictions as part of their codes. In today's
world, where food is diced, sliced, and purified to the point where
it's source is not considered important by the governments, those
dietary restrictions can cause serious problems for those faithful.
Examples: Gelatin: made from (I'm told) largely pig skin and bones,
as well as horse and cattle.
Glycerine: animal or vegetable sources
Twinkies: Beef fat or hydrogenated vegetable oils
Surimi: beef plasma, cochineal (sp?) from insects for color
Makes me consider the locavore/whole foods concept for what goes into
my cooking.
maxine in ri