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Bent Attorney Esq. Bent Attorney Esq. is offline
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Default I made some goulash saturday

On Apr 5, 1:55*am, "Motzarella" > wrote:
> "Bent Attorney Esq." > wrote in ...
> > There were three of us so I bought what we call in Canada a 'blade
> > roast'. *Lot's of fat in there, so I trimmed for a bit. *But the
> > flavour was really very good. *I did it in the oven for a good 2 and a
> > half hours. *I had some braised pig-tail appetizers going, so the oven
> > was on anyway. *A good tough cut always helps. *It sold for $2.29 a
> > pound; could have been cheaper I think. *I served it over rice that I
> > had left over. *Best is serving it with small Hungarian dumplings.

> Funny timing on this thread. The SBF and I were thinking about a good
> goulash today. To be sure, the best one we ever had was last Christmas in
> Budapest. I waited a long time to have some good Mangalitsa at
> Rosenstein(yes, I know that is an oddity unto itself. I will leave their
> URL:
> But it was there that I found out that it is a soup, not a stew that I
> thought. Broth, with paprika, plenty of beef and carrots. So very, very
> good. I want to go back for some more.

I have heard that so many times, that it's a soup not a stew. My
folks are from Hungary, and they made the goulash as a main dish
stew. Although there is much sauce, it's not thickened very much.
Actually now, I don't thicken it at all. Whenever we had goulash as a
soup, we called it Goulash Soup. We're different I guess. In Germany
I used to love the goulash soup.
We used to have a restaurant, and a reviewer stopped by and wrote an
article. He liked the goulash, but thought that he was being served a
soup when in reality, we served it as a main dish. Maybe we've been
North Americanized? Although when I was in Hungary, I had Goulash in
a small town called Igal(spelling?). There it was a main course.
This time that I made it, I used only water, and not any stock. It
turned out to be very fine.