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Manda Ruby Manda Ruby is offline
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Posts: 510
Default Would you freeze unused kidney beans from the can?; bought containersfor chicen broth

Would you freeze unused kidney beans from the 16 oz can? How long
would you leave it in the freezer before using it.

Summer is almost here. Reminds me of the eveges I blanched and oput in
freezer two year ago in the summer. I still have a bit left. If you
blanch veges and feeeze them, how long do you leave them in the

BTW, I bought some stackable rectengular shape containers found at
safeway. I like the size and shape but I don't like that the edge of
the sides are curled back such that in the dishwasher, it'd hold water
in the pocket but if I don't wash it and just put those empty ones
back in the freezer re-use them, I won't have to deal with that
issue. I might get more of those to out those unused beans from the
cans though I am not sure I'd like the taste after I freeze them.