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Bent Attorney Esq. Bent Attorney Esq. is offline
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Default I made some goulash saturday

On Apr 5, 5:43*pm, (Victor Sack) wrote:
> Motzarella > wrote:
> > But it was there that I found out that it is a soup, not a stew that I
> > thought. Broth, with paprika, plenty of beef and carrots. So very, very
> > good. I want to go back for some more.

> If I remember the accounts of Samantha's and Harry's cook-in in Calgary
> correctly, Eva Kende cooked either paprikás or gulyás there. *If the
> latter, it was bound to be gulyásleves, a soup. *That was about nine
> years ago... *Since you and Kaari actually were there, you are bound to
> remember more...

The ending of the word there defines the goulash as a soup. Leves.
Gulyas leves. Goulash soup.

> One always has to pay attention to the spelling - "goulash", "Gulasch",
> "Gollasch" and "gulyás" are all different. *Only the last one is
> Hungarian. *Gulyás in Hungary is basically a thick soup, anything named
> "gulyás" that is not a soup always has some kind of modifier, like the
> famous Székely gulyás, a pork stew with sauerkraut, but also such dishes
> as Szegedi tyúkgulyás (Szeged chicken gulyás, a stew). *Otherwise,
> traditional stews containing paprika are called "pörkölt", "paprikás",
> or "tokány".
> Victor