"Jean B." > wrote in :
> PLucas@home wrote:
>> "Jean B." > wrote in
>> :
>>> Omelet wrote:
>>>> Thanks. Chas (my BIL) also recommended T-bird.
>>> What browser do you use now? What did you use in the past? I
>>> started with Netscape, then used Firefox as my browser and
>>> Thunderbird for newsgroups (I use Eudora for email). But now I
>>> use Seamonkey. If you or anyone is an oldtime Netscape user, from
>>> the days when Netscape was a suite, you will find to be most like it.
>> I've got Firefox for a Browser, Thunderbird for Email (the SO has
>> Eudora) and Xnews for newsgroups.
>> I remember using Netscape from many, *many* years ago!!
> You might want to take a peek at Seamonkey then. I like it even
> more than Firefox and Thunderbird. As with the old Netscape,
> Seamonkey includes a news reader.
Just went and had a look at the Seamonkey website......
"Under the hood, SeaMonkey uses much of the same Mozilla source code which
powers such successful siblings as Firefox, Thunderbird, Camino, Sunbird
and Miro. Legal backing is provided by the Mozilla Foundation."
Looking at the screenshots, it virtually looks the same as Firefox and
Thunderbird :-)
I know that Thunderbird can include a newsreader, but I like to keep it
Peter Lucas
I didn't fight my way to the top of the food chain to be a vegetarian.