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Kalmia Kalmia is offline
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Default Would you freeze unused kidney beans from the can?; boughtcontainers for chicen broth

On Apr 5, 5:45*pm, Manda Ruby > wrote:

> I was wondering whether smaller cans are available.

I have seen banquet size cans. About 8 ounces, I think they are.

My plan is to add
> a little in salad which I am thinkingn to eat more regularly now,
> buying those pre pacakaged salad.

Whoa, Nellie!! You are trying to be frugal about a few beans, but
are eating prepackaged salads? It is far cheaper to buy a whole head
of greens, even if you DO end up tossing some. Notwithstanding the
price, I don't trust those prepackaged deals - even if they do claim
to be washed etc.