Thread: Lamb prep
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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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Default Lamb prep

EJ Willson wrote:
>Giusi wrote:
>> "EJ Willson" writes:
>>> Just to let everyone know. The Lamb was excellent. I roasted it to an
>>> internal temp of 135F, wrapped it in aluminum foil, and then in paper.
>>> Put it in a cardboard box and drove the 1 1/2 hours to dinner. Then we
>>> crisped the outside by baking in a 475 oven for about 15 minutes. The
>>> result was a nice medium pink roast and contrary to several opinions
>>> here, no one was poisoned.

>> You took the chance anyway, didn't you? If you were cooking in a restaurant
>> you'd be closed down for that. Nine times out of ten no one gets violently
>> ill but the tenth time, everyone is in the hospital and you get to be a
>> renowned chef.

> I think that you would be amazed by what is partially cooked, and then
>finally heated when it is ordered.

A large solid cut is sterile internally... so long as it wasn't sliced
a large cooked roast (even rare) will be fine unrefrigerated for a
couple of hours so long as it's kept well wrapped to retain heat on
the exterior... meat spoils from the exterior to the interior.
Restaurants do this all the time, how do you think they keep a whole
rare rib roast until it's all served, typically held for hours with
heat lamps and tented with foil to retain moisture. And anyway meat
doesn't spoil all that quickly even at room temperature whether cooked
or raw... I'd not with ground meat or sliced meat but a whole hunk can
easily sit out on a kitchen counter for an hour or two... folks leave
raw steaks out for an hour before cooking all the time. I almost
always (unless I forget) remove a large beef roast from the fridge and
leave it on the counter at least an hour so it can come to room
temperature prior to putting it in the oven. I'd not with fish or
poultry but with large mammary meat it's fine.