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Tracy[_2_] Tracy[_2_] is offline
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Default Would you freeze unused kidney beans from the can?; bought containersfor chicen broth

Manda Ruby wrote:
> It does. I was thinking to put both kidney beans and garbanzo beans
> in salad and so I'd be opening two cans and was concerned about not
> finishing them in a week. I guess I should use only one kind of beans
> in a week.

I soak and freeze garbanzos all the time. They do require additional
cooking even after soaking.

I use them in couscous or harira - recipes where additional cooking is
necessary. I have not used soaked then frozen beans in things like
hummus or falafel - two recipes where I use garbanzos but tend to use
canned as opposed to dried.

If I had to pick a bean that would take well to freezing, I'd say

In any case, canned beans, once opened will be fine in the fridge for at
least a week - give or take.
