Thread: Easter Dinner
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Omelet[_7_] Omelet[_7_] is offline
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Default Easter Dinner

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Ranée at Arabian Knits > wrote:

> Of course, part of it is that their very American father shows how
> much he adores his Saudi bride and appreciates her heritage. Our second
> son looks more like his dad than the rest of us. He has very Saudi
> features, but he has fairer hair and is much more light skinned with
> freckles. When he was about three or four, he came into the bathroom
> with me to ask if he could use my brown lotion. I had no idea what he
> was talking about, we had white lotion, pink lotion, etc, but no brown
> lotion. After some pulling bottles out and questioning him some more, I
> figured he was talking about my foundation. He wanted to make his skin
> brown like mama's. He felt out of place in our family because he looked
> so much like everyone else in town. I gave him a big hug and told him
> there was nothing wrong with his skin color and that we loved baba who
> was white, that he was very handsome like his father, etc. It hasn't
> come up since then, but it was eye opening.
> Regards,
> Ranee @ Arabian Knits

I think that mixing cultures and cuisines is FAR more fun and
interesting. :-) I do it every chance I get.
Peace! Om

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