"Now I'm a farmer, and I'm diggin', diggin', diggin', diggin', diggin'."
On Tue, 6 Apr 2010 21:51:24 -0500, Sqwertz wrote:
> On Tue, 6 Apr 2010 14:19:02 -0700 (PDT), Food SnobŪ wrote:
>> On Apr 6, 4:00*pm, Sqwertz > wrote:
>>> Food SnobŪ wrote:
>>>> I spent the day filling a 5' x 10' raised bed with topsoil and compost
>>>> in our community garden, then transplanting lots of strawberry plants
>>>> and various other plants. *I'm sore all over. *Anyone recognize the
>>>> quote in the subject header?
>>>> --Bryan ("...when you grow what I grow.")
>>> I don't think I've ever heard that song before. *It sounds a lot like some
>>> of their other songs.
>> You're trying to trick me, and I'm not fallin' for it.
> Uh, I think you lost me. I looked up the phrase and listened to the
> song. Then I posted my response half way through it.
> How is that tricky?
Don't worry about him. He's just paranoid.