On 8/04/2010 12:23 AM, jmcquown wrote:
> "notbob" > wrote in message
> ...
>> On 2010-04-07, Melba's Jammin' > wrote:
>>> http://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/07/di....html?emc=eta1
>> I'm still trying to figure out the attraction of facebook and twitter.
>> nb
> LOL You won't find me on Facebook. Apparently once you join it's really
> hard to unsubscribe. As for Twitter... doesn't that require a specific
> type of cell phone? I only have one for plane-jane emergencies, such as
> if my car breaks down and I need to call for roadside assistance.
> Jill
You will find me on Facebook but only if you know my alias. I didn't use
my real name there, same as I do here. If I decide to turf the Facebook
account, it's simply a matter of abandoning it. After all, I only
registered because my grandkids wanted me to. They, and select friends,
know my alias and are the only ones I communicate with.
I never bothered with Twitter because I couldn't see any usefulness, at
least from my perspective.
Mobile phones I have aplenty. I need to carry three around at any given
time, two being for my work and one for my private use. Maybe I can
convince my employer to supply me with an iPhone, maybe even an iPad. An
iPhone would be more interesting to tinker with than my current phones.