On Apr 7, 9:04*am, Kalmia > wrote:
> On Apr 7, 9:57*am, notbob > wrote:
> > On 2010-04-07, Melba's Jammin' > wrote:
> > >http://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/07/di....html?emc=eta1
> > I'm still trying to figure out the attraction of facebook and twitter.
> > nb
> Are you a member?
> I refrained from joining either one - I already spend enough time on
> this silly puter as it is. *Need to break out from the rut and get out
> and weed. ha.
Me too. I love my computer but I still haven't even bought a cell
phone. I should get one of those pay as you go
'drug dealer phones' to keep in the car in case of emergencies I
guess. But, other than that, I really don't care to be that
accessable. I don't give a damn what anyone else is doing every
minute of the day and they don't need to know that about me either.