I wonder if there's a support group
On Thu, 08 Apr 2010 06:22:46 +1000, Krypsis >
> Who's bragging? Have you ever had to carry three phones around all the
> time? It's a real pain. Lucky all these new phones are tiny little
> things that can easily fit into pockets, not like the bricks of old. I
> use 3 different ring tones so I know which phone to grab.
It's pretty easy to tell, mine lights up.
> I used to be a gadget geek but, frankly, I'm getting to the stage of
> life where I could live without a cell phone. I didn't even take one to
> Tasmania at the Easter break. Bliss
We have no roaming charges on our phones and it does come in handy
when in a strange place. We don't have to wonder if the hotel/motel
is going to slam us with charges and we can call from the car to make
or confirm a reservation.
Forget the health food. I need all the preservatives I can get.