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Cheryl[_3_] Cheryl[_3_] is offline
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Default cevapcici in refrigerator

"Benji Z-Man" > wrote in message

> Shouldn't be any issues unless you've frozen the meat since being ground.
> Once ground, meats take on a much higher chance of containing dangerous
> microorganisms - and freezing the microorganisms then kills a good portion
> of them, leaving the ones that are resistant to cold climes.
> As such, once ground meat has been thawed, those bacteria wake up and
> start reproducing in the area left behind - which if you then put into the
> freezer/refrigerator makes it as healthy as simply leaving it on the
> bench - except that then the cats can't get at it.
> Regular meats (other than chicken and fish) do not have as much risk -
> it's being ground that causes it to become a real danger zone. So if you
> are making cevapcici, tartare, whatever - make sure that the ground meat
> is fresh, not frozen.

So if the same meat can be frozen safely before being ground, where are the
microorganisms coming from? The grinder?