Pass extra sauce?
On Sun, 11 Apr 2010 14:55:42 -0500, ceed wrote:
> Hi,
> I have gotten quite a few older bbq and grill recipes collected in a book
> the now deceased grand father of a friend of mine put together in the 60s.
> One of the recipes says:
> "Mix first five ingredients and pour over chicken in roasting pan. Roast
> at 350 degrees uncovered for 1 1/2 hours. Baste often. Serve with rice.
> Pass extra sauce."
> What does "pass extra sauce" mean? Do I pass it around or pass on it?
Do the first 5 ingredients make a sauce?
Bear in mind that cooking and recipes have come a long way in the
last 40 years. I can't imagine pouring a sauce over a whole chicken
before baking. Less than 5% of that sauce is going to stick tot he
chicken, the rest will be an oily, probably burned mess on the
bottom of the pan. Unless they had flat chickens in the 60's.