I pulled a Jolicoeur at Whole Foods!
On Tue, 13 Apr 2010 07:40:57 -0400, George wrote:
> I often wonder how much we pay for the free food the con artists get by
> working stores.
i posted this to r.f.c. a few years ago, but what the hell:
Now in a hotel there's always at least one restuarant. So they have this
man who comes in regularly. And the staff notice everytime he's in there,
something will go wrong with the food. Inevitably. He'll eat 3/4 of the
dish before complaining there's some insect or similar in the dish. Every.
Darn. Time.
It is my mom's and the kitchen staff's hypothesis that this douche brings
in dead bugs himself and plants it in the food.
So, one day, the manager comes to this difficult man, and finds that the
sucky costumer has complained of a tiny dead roach in his food.
M = Manager
DM = Douchebag Man
M: What seems to be the problem sir?
DM: Your kitchen is horrendously unsanitary! Look, there's a DEAD COCKROACH
in my food.
M: -picks up the roach without batting an eyelid and eats it- Why, it's
delicious sir! I think you mistook a shallot for an insect.
DM: -splutters, speechless-
(from the *customers suck!* livejournal site
....which seems to have been revamped since the last time i was there.)
your pal,