More than 80 percent of the corn, soybean and cotton grown inthe United States is genetically engineered.
Mark Thorson wrote:
> Damaeus wrote:
>>Those sources are not crazy just because you say they are. You seem to be
>>against anyone who has any kind of concern over the effects of things like
>>genetically modified foods, cotton, vaccines and whatnot. You could be on
>>someone's payroll, expected to come onto, where
> That is so typical of the anti-science crazies.
> You automatically imply anyone who supports
> evidence-based science is on the payroll of
> Monsanto or Big Pharma. Just for the record,
> I'm not. This is just your lame attempt to
> smear me by implying a dishonest motive.
Your doing the same thing in reverse, any questioning of the
appropriateness of the convergence of big science, big business, big
government you label a kook or worse.
Do you really want BVG hormones in your kids milk, other
hormones/chemicals in your meats? to be forced by big government to have
chemicals pumped into your kids bodies when the drug companies routinely
make mistakes and have to recall drugs from distribution.
Is it really fair and done for altruistic reasons that big government
caved to the GMO food lobby and passed laws making them exempt from
HAVING to label their products as GMO's? Shouldn't such an alteration
in the substance be labeled as such and let the free market decide if
people will purchase the genetically modified product. And don't even
get me started on big business attempts to push irradiation of food down
the publics throat.
Perhaps those big business/science/government types that are motivated
by arrogance and greed should be forced to use these products for a few
generations as a "control group" before they are made widely available
to the public?