TN: Burgs, Rioja, Rhone, Bdx, Loire, and Valpo at La Panetierre
On 2010-04-16 10:01:53 -0700, Mike Tommasi > said:
> On 16/04/2010 18:49, Ronin wrote:
>> On 2010-04-16 03:53:47 -0700, "Bi!!" > said:
>>> On Apr 15, 8:32�pm, Ronin > wrote:
>>>> On 2010-04-13 20:38:41 -0700, DaleW > said:
>>>>> 2002 Vatan �"Clos la Neore" Sancerre
>>>>> Riper/rounder than expected, sweet apple and peach, but plenty of
>>>>> mineral notes. B++
>>>>> (warm oysters with braised leeks and beurre blanc)
>>>> Just an off the wall question - were those oysters warmed, but still
>>>> translucent, or were they cooked through but not hot?
>>> I wondered the same thing because from a texture standpoint a warm,
>>> but raw oyster would remind me of......well.......snot.
>> Well put, I say...
> No problem here in France, oysters are ONLY eaten raw, but not warm. No
> risk of confusing with snot.
That's the only way I would eat them, too. The flavour totally changes
(and not for the better) when cooked IMHO...