Crayfish !!!
gloria.p wrote:
> Mark Thorson wrote:
>> My plan is to eat them chilled, which apparently
>> is a Scandinavian style. I didn't know they have
>> crayfish in Scandinavia.
> Ooh, yeah. They are traditional in Sweden for Midsummer (June 21)
> and again in August sometime there is a crayfish festival. They are
> served on big, heaping platters together with ever-present potatoes (the
> Scandinavian National must-have) and beer and schnapps. Lots of singing
> and toasting as an accompaniment, too. Fruit and good cheese
> (prast-ost) for dessert or their delicious strawberries.
> It's a very festive meal.
Crayfish parties in Sweden are usually in August.
I was in Sweden for Midsummer two years ago and enjoyed a very
traditional Midsummer feast which consisted of meat balls, about a half
dozen varieties of herring, smoked eel, smoked reindeer and cheese pie
(basically a quiche) ... and lots of beer, wine and Schnapps.