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Julana Benaroon Julana Benaroon is offline
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Posts: 73
Default Anzac Day 25 April

Peter's sockpuppet wrote:

> So, you want a medal?
> Argus

Reading what I wrote, I realize I should have been a bit more clear. I am
not cooking all that food. There are actually eight people who will at one
time or another be in charge of the kitchen. This is what I will be cooking
for Anzac Day:

10:30 AM
- Brandied fruit compote with creme anglaise
- Devilled eggs with beetroot-juice "caviar"
- Assorted charcuterie with hard rolls, pickles, and papaya mustard
- Smoked salmon with dill sauce and capers
- Tossed salad with assorted salad dressings

- Scallop sausages
- Tandoori-style chicken
- Roasted capsicum stuffed with cheese, rice and toasted almonds
- Pan-cooked carrots and fennel
- Pavlova with mango and peach

9:00 PM
- Shiraz-Roquefort gougere
- Persimmon pudding with cinnamon-allspice cream
- Nutella wontons with orange sherbet
- Quince paste with Manchego cheese and almond crackers
- Brie baked in pastry with roasted grapes and figs

9:30 PM
- Coffee punch with orange peel, brandy, and burnt sugar
- Toffee-coated candied sweet potato
- Flourless chocolate cake with red wine syrup
- Wattle seed madeleines
- Peach tiramisu

The rest of the time I will be fetching, carrying, and prepping for others
who have generously offered to assist in the food preparation. (We are
fortunate and grateful to have two very gifted cooks instructing us in how
to prepare the Turkish and Russian dishes. We also have a skilled Chinese
cook and a woman who is expert in Italian cooking.) Astute readers would
have noticed the distinct changes in cooking styles between some of the
offerings, but maybe it was a bit too subtle for you to discern.

Will you be skydiving that day? As they say in show business, break a leg!