More editing problems
George Shirley wrote:
> Your comment made me laugh aloud. I am a fan of our local library and
> had been noticing a number of books that I checked out had all
> references to God blacked out. The guy who did it even had the nerve
> to write "Corrected by and his name and the date he "corrected" the
> book." I complained to the librarian and they called him in and
> suspended his library privileges. Personally I would have had him
> arrested and charged him with malicious damage to public property. I
> guess he was just overly religious and felt someone had to step in.
> At any rate, no more "corrected" library books.
You made me laugh at a fond memory. When we moved my inlaws
to a new house, I had to go through their books to find money they'd
hidden. Looking through the Bible, I found my very religious mil had
crossed off every incidence of the word Hell with red pencil. It'll
offend someone that I found that to be comical. Bad words in the Bible,
what's next??