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Default Thanksgiving wine- Here we go.....

In article >, rattleheadatcomputrondotnet
>I know this is probably an old topic but I was curious
>what you guys are going to choose to drink for thanksgiving.
>The meal I will be drinking it with will be a very typical,
>traditional american thanksgiving dinner; turkey, stuffing,
>pies, cranberry sauce, rolls, blah blah blah....
>I was thinking that perhaps there are so many different
>pallates and different tastes in a thanksgiving meal that
>perhaps different whites & reds will be called for?

I was planning on doing a horizontal tasting of all of the Turkey (single
vineyard) Zins from '98.

Actually, 'traminers, Rieslings, Pinot Noirs (depending on need for fruit -
Carneros or Central Coast on one end, or earth notes - OR/WA on the other),
many of the CA Syrahs and of course Zins.

This year we're doing a smoked turkey breast and I'm thinking of a Cote Rotie
or Hermitage - though maybe I should stick to a US wine for a US only holiday.
I'll keep and post TN's with whatever, especially if it works.
