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ChattyCathy ChattyCathy is offline
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Default More editing problems

Dan Goodman wrote:

> ChattyCathy wrote:

>> >

>> IMHO, it was obviously just a mistake, because three things happened:
>> somebody made a typo, then the wrong choice was made when the spell
>> check popped up the dialog box with suggestions - and thirdly, the
>> proofreader(s) missed it.

> It's also possible that someone relied ENTIRELY on automatic spell
> check.

I believe there is some software available i.e. Intelligent Essay
Assessor (IEA) that is (allegedly) capable of grading students' essays,
so you never know.

Here's a rather old article about it from the New York Times...

And here's a (current) link to the IEA product website:

> I suspect that the publisher's response -- sort of apology, but saying
> they don't see why it was such a big deal -- had something to do with
> it.

I think it's known as 'damage control'. However, *somebody* must have
brought this 'silly mistake' to the media's attention in the first
place, or the batch of cookbooks in question would never had been
pulped (at considerable expense) - and I doubt we'd be having this
Chatty Cathy - off to check her copy of the RFC cookbook for any typos