More editing problems
gloria.p wrote:
> Jean B. wrote:
>> Melba's Jammin' wrote:
>>> In article >,
>>> Proofreading should always be done by two people, one reading aloud,
>>> the other checking the words. That apoostrophe s my story and
>>> capital I apostrophe m sticking to it.
>> No, I can proofread quite well without any other person's involvement.
> My first job out of college was as a foreign language proofreader for an
> educational publisher in Boston. This was long before the days of
> computers.
> As I recall we went from typewritten manuscript to final book form
> through about 4 different versions including but not limited to
> first-set-linotype and two versions that were printed on long scrolls of
> paper, then paste-up, page proof, and unbound proof sets.
> We were trained to compare each new version against the previous one,
> not word by word but letter by letter or symbol, and mark the new
> version with corrections.
> As we finished each version it would go back to the publisher/printer
> and it took a couple of weeks for them to set up the next format. That's
> why it took sometimes a year or longer to publish a book. So much of the
> work was manual and tedious. I lasted two years until we were married
> and moved to central CT.
> gloria p
I LOVE proofreading. My favorite thing to proofread was Sanskrit
(with MANY diacritical marks)! My first job in Japan involved a
lot of transliterated Japanese, and that was fun too.
Jean B.