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Leonard Blaisdell[_2_] Leonard Blaisdell[_2_] is offline
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Default What's Up With An Egg On A Burger?

In article >,
Lou Decruss > wrote:

> Why does this seem so wrong? I just saw a clip on the tube about a
> new burger joint in Chicago. They showed a burger loaded with
> toppings and a sunny-side-up egg on it. It looks liked a total mess
> to eat. It there a region or culture that normally does this? I've
> read some places put an egg on pizza and that seems weird too.
> Am I missing out? Something I should try?

An open faced burger with an over easy egg topping the meat and bun part
and an over easy egg on the bare bun part all covered with chili was
popular at the Mapes Hotel in Reno in the sixties and early seventies.
Then there was cheese, onion and other stuff on top. It was served with
fries. I still make it occasionally. I don't make the fries because I'm
a health nut. It's not the same as you describe, but what's not to like
except a trip to the emergency room?
