Thread: Crayfish !!!
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Ostap Bender Ostap Bender is offline
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Default Crayfish !!!

On Apr 17, 11:49*am, Mark Thorson > wrote:
> I was in the Asian market nearest me this morning,
> and I wasn't planning on buying any fish, but I
> always go past the shellfish to keep a mental image
> of the recency of their stock. *When the clams
> are vigorously squirting, that's when I buy them.
> Today, they had something they don't usually have.
> Crayfish. *

Really? Where do you live? Here in the San Jose area, all Chinese
supermarkets almost always have live crayfish.

> I seldom buy crayfish, but these ones
> were especially frisky. *I've learned not to pass up
> opportunities to buy frisky seafood.

> I picked out three of the biggest, most frisky ones.
> That was only $1.58 at $4.99/lb.

Wow. You are big spender! Are you sure you can eat all three crayfish
tails in one day? I mean, three crayfish tails may together weight
almost 15 grams, That's more than half of an ounce!

> Having little experience with crayfish, I googled
> around for cooking instructions, and the procedure
> I selected was boiling for 6 minutes in salted
> water with dill, followed by cooling off in the
> pot liquor. *They are in the refrigerator now,
> chilling in the pot liquor.
> My inclination would have been to steam them,
> then eat them hot with garlic-infused olive oil,
> but I'll defer to the experts on this one.

Since you have 3 different crayfish, make 3 different sauces. You
should also get a big bowl and a microscope.

> My plan is to eat them chilled, which apparently
> is a Scandinavian style. *I didn't know they have
> crayfish in Scandinavia.