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notbob notbob is offline
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Default What's Up With An Egg On A Burger?

On 2010-04-20, Lou Decruss > wrote:
> Why does this seem so wrong? I just saw a clip on the tube about a
> new burger joint in Chicago. They showed a burger loaded with
> toppings and a sunny-side-up egg on it.

I don't think it's weird. Eggs have been in sandwiches in one form or
another forever. Right now you've got me jonesing for a grilled ham
and egg sandwich. I suspect the sunnyside up egg on the burger was a
promo shot. I wouldn't do it, not cuz an egg is out of place, more
cuz most burgers are too busy already without one more thing piled
on. I actually like to taste the burger, only rarely adding cheese.
