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Default What's Up With An Egg On A Burger?

On Mon, 19 Apr 2010 19:51:17 -0500, Lou Decruss > wrote:

>Why does this seem so wrong? I just saw a clip on the tube about a
>new burger joint in Chicago. They showed a burger loaded with
>toppings and a sunny-side-up egg on it. It looks liked a total mess
>to eat. It there a region or culture that normally does this? I've
>read some places put an egg on pizza and that seems weird too.
>Am I missing out? Something I should try?

Back during world war 2 there was collusion between japan and germany. A dreadful
secret weapon was used on america. Germany beamed stupid/amorality rays at america's
east coast while japan beamed insanity/wierdness rays at america's west coast. The
sources of these emanations have never been found and it is assumed the information
was expunged from every document in both countries and all people who knew commited
suicide. The rays continue to affect America to this very day.

Pretty much explains everything doesn't it?