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Paul M. Cook Paul M. Cook is offline
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Posts: 5,744
Default Ceramic knives? Why?

"Chemiker" > wrote in message
> OK, sports fans.
> For whatever reasons, I have found myself in possession of a kyocera
> santoku. I also found a couple of smaller knives at Tuesday morning.
> Mirabile dictu, I have now received 4 (count 'em) Yoshi sets.
> 'Tis a brave new world.
> Well, I can see that ceramic knives work well cutting meats that are
> boneless. Ceramic peelers seem to be worthless. Ceramic knives do not
> discolor lettuce and the like.
> Those of you of the cookerati might opine....
> Are these knives worth anything, as you see it? What don't you like?
> What do you love?
> Do they have places in your kitchens? Really?
> Alex. Stirring the pudding.

They are less than useless. Junk. A complete waste of space. Tell ya
what, send them to me. I'll take those useless gimicks off your hands and
I'll cover the postage just to help you out.
