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Doug Freyburger Doug Freyburger is offline
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Default Ceramic knives? Why?

Chemiker wrote:
> Well, I can see that ceramic knives work well cutting meats that are
> boneless. Ceramic peelers seem to be worthless. Ceramic knives do not
> discolor lettuce and the like.
> Are these knives worth anything, as you see it? What don't you like?
> What do you love?
> Do they have places in your kitchens? Really?

My wife loves them. I like them okay but they aren't anythinf special
to me. Ceramic blades are always straight edge not serrated, but nearly
all of my knife use is with straight edge blades so all that means is I
would need to keep my one serrated blade if I were to replace the rest
with ceramic.

Ceramic is light weight, never needs sharpening, is very brittle. It
would be dishwasher safe if not for the fact that they are so sharp they
tend to cut the plastic wire covering in the dishwasher so it eventually
starts to rust.

If you're slow with your blade you might never notice the brittleness.
If you flail your blade or flourish with it like you're in a movie
you'll eventually chip it.

Great for fruits - No problems with acid etching. Great for veggies,
cheese, pretty much anything but bones. I've cut through chicken bones
with them - No idea how bad an idea that was but they don't show any

Expensive toys. Nice paring knife replacement that will not wear out
until I eventually chip it. The chefs knife doesn't really replace my
santoku or triangular blade.