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ImStillMags ImStillMags is offline
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Default Ceramic knives? Why?

On Apr 21, 1:29*pm, Chemiker > wrote:
> OK, sports fans.
> For whatever reasons, I have found myself in possession of a kyocera
> santoku. I also found a couple of smaller knives at Tuesday morning.
> Mirabile dictu, I have now received 4 (count 'em) Yoshi sets.
> 'Tis a brave new world.
> Well, I can see that ceramic knives work well cutting meats that are
> boneless. Ceramic peelers seem to be worthless. Ceramic knives do not
> discolor lettuce and the like.
> Those of you of the cookerati might opine....
> Are these knives worth anything, as you see it? What don't you like?
> What do you love?
> Do they have places in your kitchens? Really?
> Alex. Stirring the pudding.

I had a ceramic chefs knife that I loved. I allowed someone who was
'helping' in the kitchen to use it. He used it to
skin a salmon, ran the knife underneath and pressed down on it and

Ceramic knives are wonderful.....but they are breakable. So.....a
word to the wise, don't let people who don't know about
ceramic knives use them.