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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Ceramic knives? Why?

Karen AKA Kajikit wrote:

>> Yeah. Thanks for blowing it for me too. Never drop one of those knives,
>> they break pretty easily. But sharp? Like a razor.

> Two very good reasons why I don't have any! In short order I'd be
> minus a finger because I slipped cutting, and minus the knife because
> I dropped it off the counter onto our unforgiving tiled floor and it
> smashed to smitherenes.

There is less chance of a knife slipping when it is sharp. It is dull
knives that tend to slip.

I dropped a Henkel serrated bread knife on my ceramic floor. It landed
with the handle down and the blade snapped in half as soon as it landed.
Luckily, Henkel has an excellent warranty and I took it back to the
store and they replaced it. My wife dropped a ceramic knife on the same
floor and about an 1/8 inch of the end of the blade snapped off. It is
still very useful.

As I said in a previous post, I am not sure if I would recommend one
because of the cost and the brittle blade. However, they are nice to use
because they are so sharp and they stay sharp.