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ChattyCathy ChattyCathy is offline
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Default More editing problems

blake murphy wrote:

> sometimes i have a taste for goofballs. also, it makes it easier to
> see when the criterion you've set up is catching people you didn't
> intend to killfile.

Just in case you're interested... finally got around to firing up a
windoze VM today and installing 40tude on it (curiosity and all that).
The default GUI looked a bit different from my other newsreaders (until
I figured out how to change the layout <g>). However, I am happy to say
that I don't think I'm missing out on any major filtering functionality
that I don't already have in my current newsreaders; case of 6 of one
and half a dozen of the other, as they say. And it's also free
for 'home users', which is cool. However, it lacked a couple of
other 'nice-to-haves' that I'd miss - probably very minor stuff to
anybody else, but important to me, *personally*. Maybe if I messed
around with it some more I'd figure out a way to 'switch them on' but
why bother?

So no, I'm now definitely not fussed about not being able to have 40tude
as a regular newsreader.

[And before anybody wants to know WTF "VM" means: it's an acronym
for "Virtual Machine" (and if you dunno what that is - GIYF).]
Chatty Cathy