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Steve B[_11_] Steve B[_11_] is offline
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Posts: 68
Default Ceramic knives? Why?

"Doug Freyburger" > wrote in message
> Paul M. Cook wrote:
>> Who has to put a knife through a dishwasher anyway? They take 2 seconds
>> to
>> clean with soap and a sponge and they don't get damaged in the dishwasher
>> that way.

> I live in the wrong century to have any sympathy for an item that does
> not go in the dishwasher. There have been dishwashers in kitchens since
> I was a kid and that's long enough to become a standard.
> I get that some people want items that do not go into the machine. I do
> not wish to deal with such a hassle. Every item in the kitchen that is
> not allowed to go in the machine is an item I begrudge and avoid using.
> There is always a functional replacement for it that does go in the
> machine.
> I get that some of the very best items don't go in the machine and that
> I tend to suggest buying the best items. It's a point that I am
> internally inconsistant about.

I have had items distort in the dishwasher due to the heat. I have had
items affected by the detergents used in the dishwasher. Some items are
just too big to be put into a dishwasher. I disagree that everything can go
in the dishwasher. I particularly do not like to put knives in the
dishwasher, because some with wood handles absorb and retain too much

Whatever winds your clock.
