Thread: Beef Power
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Default Beef Power

"Dave Bugg" > wrote in message
> Nunya Bidnits wrote:
>> I had traction but not the injections. I got onto the moist heat
>> thing when I realized how much the hot pack treatments helped during
>> PT. You can't beat those hot wet sandbags they use for deep heat
>> therapy.
>> The best muscle relaxant IMO, if your doc will fork it over, is
>> valium, just for long enough to get things settled down, i.e., 3-6
>> weeks. Fortunately I haven't had a bout that severe in ten years. Now
>> if it starts to flare, a couple days of cyclobenzaprine and some hot
>> wet towels will do the trick.
>> I was told by the first neuro I saw that the body will heal itself in
>> many cases if you can tolerate and manage the pain while it happens,
>> and that many of the surgeries are done to relieve pain more than to
>> prevent serious damage. Quote "I'd like to stay out of your neck." It's
>> hard to accept when you're dealing with raw nerve pain shooting
>> through your shoulder and down through your arm and elbow, but in
>> hindsight it was the wisest thing anyone told me in nearly 20 years
>> of dealing with it.
>> I can't say it's completely healed but it's certainly not anywhere
>> near the problem it used to be. It was so bad I couldn't even ride in
>> a car without cringing in pain every time it hit a small bump.
>> I figure it will probably go bad again sooner or later, but I'm
>> betting on a less medieval surgical option being available by that
>> time. They have a less invasive laproscopic procedure with much less
>> chance of post surgical complications, but they wouldn't consider
>> using it in the C vertebrae because of the close proximity to the
>> spinal cord. Hopefully if I have to get cut someday, they will have
>> refined this procedure. I know they already have an artificial
>> material to replace the cadaver bone insertion but I don't know much
>> more about it than that.

> I had no idea that I have so much company with back issues. My first back
> surgery last June corrected impingement of nerves in the lumbar region
> which were so severe that I was periodically losing muscle control in my
> legs... and the pain was becoming unbearable. The surgery did the job for
> the muscle control issues. But despite several round with injections, lots
> of physical therapy, and oral meds the pain is still hanging on and has
> been getting worse.
> A brand new MRI ( the second since the surgery) now reveals another disc
> herniation in the lower lumbar that is impinging on the nerves, along with
> two areas of severe narrowing at two places in the canal. Since I am
> beginning to have new symptoms in my legs, along with the severe flashes
> of lightening bolt pain and the constant, high-level pain, there was no
> doubt that another surgery was needed. And this was from an orthopedic
> surgeon who, until he saw the MRI, really didn't believe that surgery was
> a good option.
> So, I am scheduled for surgery on May 11. This will be more extensive than
> the first, covering three different areas in the lumbar area. The disc
> will be removed and the two vertebrae affected will be fused. The two
> areas that are narrowed will be 'reamed' to enlarge the canal in order to
> relieve the compression on the nerves. In order to accomplish the surgery,
> the back muscles will be extensively moved around. I'm really glad I'll be
> anesthe-oblivious.
> Physical therapy, to regain fitness in the back muscles, will take a bit
> longer than before. I am prepared to take that challenge on, especially if
> the current pain is mostly eliminated. I really need to get back to work
> and to be able to get things done around the house that have been
> neglected for so long.
> --
> Dave
> What is best in life? "To crush your enemies, see them driven before
> you, and to hear the lamentation of the women." -- Conan

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