Thread: Potluck today!
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Omelet[_7_] Omelet[_7_] is offline
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Default Potluck today!

I don't participate in potlucks at work often, but this is National
Laboratory Professionals Week and I am training on the day shift. :-)

I decided to make the mini-caprese appetizers on a frilly toothpick.
I'll make more later and take pics, but just did not have the time last
night. I promised my new boss I'd make some for my eventual "home lab"
when I picked up my first paycheck last night and we talked about the
week long food fest that the labs have been having. <g> I'm training at
other labs in the system in Austin.

I marinated the cheese in Olive oil and Italian herbs as it won't be
poured over them as per usual, and I put more in the bottom of the
plastic container I put them in.

They are pretty and tasty, but I did find that putting the cherry tomato
on the bottom instead of the top made them stand up better. I used the
"pre-formed" grape sized bits of cheese so they are roundish. Tomato on
the bottom, fresh Basil leave in the middle and the marinated cheese bit
on the top. The cheese is a smaller than the cherry tomato.

I hope they go over well! I'll report tonight...
The tomatoes cost as much as the cheese did! Central Market currently
has a large table of fresh herbs, 3 bunches for $4.00 so the Basil was
not that costly and I have plenty left standing in a glass of water to
enjoy for the next week.

Peace! Om

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