Thread: Potluck today!
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Omelet[_7_] Omelet[_7_] is offline
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Default Potluck today!

In article >,
"Ophelia" > wrote:

> > I hope they go over well! I'll report tonight...
> > The tomatoes cost as much as the cheese did! Central Market currently
> > has a large table of fresh herbs, 3 bunches for $4.00 so the Basil was
> > not that costly and I have plenty left standing in a glass of water to
> > enjoy for the next week.

> .. and don't forget the pics

Soon's I make more luv. <g>

They did indeed go over well and about 3/4ths of them were consumed
without my help. I took the leftovers to Sis' and they were appreciated.

There were two other dishes there that I was impressed with. Potato
stuffed Filo' pastry with curry (curry puffs) with two types of chutney
made by one of our India natives and some simple sandwich wraps cut into
pinwheels made with Olives, Goat cheese and sliced ham. :-)

I think the only thing that sometimes annoys me (mildly mind you! It's
not a big deal!) is people that bring commercial products like grossery
store chicken salad, etc.

Altho' that chicken salad was downright decent when I tried it, to be
perfectly honest... <g>

One of the Vegans brought an impressive dish. Quinoa with bits of walnut
and shaved cooked carrots. It was decorative and tasty! Reminded me
that I really need to play with nuts more often in cooking.

I think I'll take an olive coated cheese ball next time, and a selection
of gourmet crackers!
Peace! Om

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