In article
Gabby > wrote:
> I've wanted one for years but could never afford it. Now I can and
> there's one as a show stopper on the shopping network. It's a lift
> type which I prefer to a tilt-head.
> The specs:
> Direct Drive Transmission,
> 67 Point Planetary Mixing Action
> Flour Power rating: 12 cups (2.8L)
> Multipurpose attachment hub with removable cover
> 450 Watts of Power (why don't they ever tell you HP instead?)
> Includes
> 1 x Deluxe 5 Stand Mixer
> 1 x Bowl with Handle (stainless steel)- 5 qt (4.73 L)
> 1 x Wire Whip(aluminum)
> 1 x Dough Hook (coated metal)
> 1 x Flat Beater(coated metal)
> 1 x Pouring Shield (polycarbonate)
> 1 x Bonus 3 qt Bowl (stainless steel)
> 1 x Bonus Combi-Whip(aluminum)
> $299 Cdn + S&H + tax.
> I mostly want it for small batches of bread since arthritis is making
> kneading a bit difficult.
> Opinions?
My opinion is I don't like shopping networks!
However, for comparison, here's Costco in the US:
=4000000&eCat=BC|103|28485|28507&N=4009928&Mo=4&po s=4&No=4&Nr=P_CatalogNa
There are a number of differences. Looks like the dollar is about the
same. Costco includes free shipping (but not to Canada, at least from
this site). The accessories are a little different.
Note that this mixer may be available in the stores. There are a number
of stores in Canada. The price and accessories may be different.
Dan Abel
Petaluma, California USA