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Jean B.[_1_] Jean B.[_1_] is offline
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Posts: 11,612
Default Dear Ghiradelli....

Sqwertz wrote:
> Letter sent VIA their website. Let companies know how much you love
> or hate their products.
> Product: Premium White Chocolate Baking Chips.
> These things are downright terrible. "Premium" my ass! There's not
> even any chocolate or cocoa butter in them. How can even legally
> call these things "chocolate"?!?!?!
> I'm glad I tasted these before using them in my recipe. How could
> you even produce something this terrible?
> I used to live in San Francisco so I'm still loyal to a lot of local
> products from that area, but Ghiradelli is off my list permanently
> from now on. I'm totally aghast at how bad these are.
> Sincerely,
> Steve Wertz
> Next up: Mezetta Napa Valley Bistro Antipasta Olives in Chardonnay
> Wine.

Dare I ask what the ingredients are? I see whole milk powder and
vanilla. I guess now that chocolate in the US does not have to
contain cocoa butter, that this product does not? :-(

Jean B.