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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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Default Dear Ghiradelli....

On Mon, 26 Apr 2010 09:57:18 -0400, "Jean B." > wrote:

>Sqwertz wrote:
>> Letter sent VIA their website. Let companies know how much you love
>> or hate their products.
>> Product: Premium White Chocolate Baking Chips.
>> These things are downright terrible. "Premium" my ass! There's not
>> even any chocolate or cocoa butter in them. How can even legally
>> call these things "chocolate"?!?!?!
>> I'm glad I tasted these before using them in my recipe. How could
>> you even produce something this terrible?
>> I used to live in San Francisco so I'm still loyal to a lot of local
>> products from that area, but Ghiradelli is off my list permanently
>> from now on. I'm totally aghast at how bad these are.

>Dare I ask what the ingredients are? I see whole milk powder and
>vanilla. I guess now that chocolate in the US does not have to
>contain cocoa butter, that this product does not? :-(

If one looks at the Ghiradelli chip products at their web site it's
very clear that the white chips are the only ones that don't say
chocolate in their name, they do not say white chocolate chips, they
only say "white chips"... the other three chip products do say
chocolate. Their white chocolate baking bar does say it contains
cocoa butter. I think the white chips are meant to be a cheap
confection, a novelty product for decoration. sqwertz seems to have
an ongoing problem with not reading labels until after the fact.