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Default The Masa Spreader Came - Junk!

On Mon, 26 Apr 2010 16:34:32 -0700, Terry Pulliam Burd
> wrote:

>On Mon, 26 Apr 2010 08:51:04 -0500, Lou Decruss
> wrote:
>>Well here's the report. My negativity was unfounded. And as I
>>suspected a second pass clears one end for rolling. My dough was too
>>thick so I had a bit of a problem with it but all in all it worked
>>like a charm. I cut my time drastically. I did a couple dozen in
>>less time than 6 would have taken me without it. So it was well worth
>>the 12 bucks.

>I'm delighted to hear it, as my masa spreader came last week and I got
>by the market this afternoon for the corn husks. OTOH, we were by the
>farmer's market on Sunday morning and one of the vendors had both pork
>tamales and beef tamales. We were going to an Eagles concert later
>that evening, staying at a hotel across the street from the venue, and
>wanted to pack something to eat before the concert (the room has a
>refrigerator and microwave). Couldn't resist buying a couple of
>tamales and they were every bit as good as mine, dammit. Oh, well,
>there's something cathartic about cooking that makes it worthwhile.

I think I need to order one. I felt that with a little practice it
would work well.
>And Glenn Frey referred to this Eagles tour as the "Assisted Living
>Tour." They may be a bunch of aging rockers, but they can still rock
>the house down!

How great, lucky you. I have them on my iPod.

>Terry "Squeaks" Pulliam Burd


There is no love more sincere than the love of food
George Bernard Shaw
updated 04/23/10