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Kris[_1_] Kris[_1_] is offline
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Default Was Julia Child into organic or healthful cooking?

On Apr 26, 8:25*pm, "E.A.T. Hoffmann" > wrote:
> It seems a lot of her recipes are too greasy and unhealthy by today's
> health guidelines.
> IMHO she was a great wit prone to slapsticks like Martin Yan,
> entertaining to watch, but I would not recommend her recipes for
> people who are trying to lose weight or eat healthy.
> I don't think she would have given a F*** about today's organic fad.
> On the other hand, she would absolutely have loved KFC's double down
> chickenwich.

While it's true she used a lot of fat in most things, she didn't use
artificial junk which is probably worse for many.

But I own 3 of her cookbooks and she did have some things like poached
fish and things made more healthfully, she even mentions that these
dishes are better for those who are calorie-consious. So she did
depart from the rich stuff a bit, she's just not as known for it.
