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jmcquown[_2_] jmcquown[_2_] is offline
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Default Was Julia Child into organic or healthful cooking?

"gloria.p" > wrote in message
> E.A.T. Hoffmann wrote:
>> It seems a lot of her recipes are too greasy and unhealthy by today's
>> health guidelines.
>> IMHO she was a great wit prone to slapsticks like Martin Yan,
>> entertaining to watch, but I would not recommend her recipes for
>> people who are trying to lose weight or eat healthy.
>> I don't think she would have given a F*** about today's organic fad.
>> On the other hand, she would absolutely have loved KFC's double down
>> chickenwich.

> I doubt that. She did use a lot of butter, but no junk ingredients.
> Remember that in her heyday there was very little fast food and most foods
> were pretty unadulterated. She was pretty strong about using
> fresh ingredients.
> gloria p

Absolutely. And who the heck is this person who thinks Julia would have
made anything similar to what's served at KFC? Is this one of Bryan's why
don't they serve Dr. Pepper at the Cheesecake Factory fans?
