Brian Christiansen wrote:
> I saw a commercial for this uni-tasker:
> the other day. I
> have made a lot of stuff with eggs over the years: fried eggs,
> mayonnaise, baked goods, I have even tried my hand at omelettes a few
> times, and probably other stuff I am not remembering right now. I
> have no doubt that I have gotten egg shells in the dish once in a
> rare while, but I hardly have the horrendous problem that they
> describe in their commercial.
I posted about this at one time, it's the epitome of those commercials
we were talking about where they show morons getting eggs all
over the kitchen because they don't have this handy gadget. It
was comical yet irritating.
Yeah, let me empty space in my kitchen drawer for this space hog
so I can crack an egg.
> As for their "inisde the egg shell egg scrambler," I have done just
> fine with a fork for years as well. As for seperating eggs, I have
> done it 3 ways: from egshell half to eggshell half, with a slotted
> spoon, and with my hands. I prefer using my hands, I just recommend
> wahing your hands immediately before using this method, even though
> you washed your hands immediately before cooking.
I wonder how many of the things they have sold. And good luck getting
eggshells off hard boiled eggs with it.