Thread: EZ cracker
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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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Default EZ cracker

Omelet wrote:
> "Brian Christiansen" wrote:
>> I saw a commercial for this uni-tasker:
>> the other day. I have
>> made a lot of stuff with eggs over the years: fried eggs, mayonnaise, baked
>> goods, I have even tried my hand at omelettes a few times, and probably
>> other stuff I am not remembering right now. I have no doubt that I have
>> gotten egg shells in the dish once in a rare while, but I hardly have the
>> horrendous problem that they describe in their commercial.
>> As for their "inisde the egg shell egg scrambler," I have done just fine
>> with a fork for years as well. As for seperating eggs, I have done it 3
>> ways: from egshell half to eggshell half, with a slotted spoon, and with my
>> hands. I prefer using my hands, I just recommend wahing your hands
>> immediately before using this method, even though you washed your hands
>> immediately before cooking.

>Probably one of the most useless gadgets I've ever seen introduced to
>the gadget market. <g>

I have a gizmo I can stick in that'll stir your eggs much more

What is the advantage to beating eggs one at a time... and it won't
work anyhow, it can't incorporate air into the egg.

The sad truth is that millions will buy it. People will try it once,
realize they're be doing twice the egg handling plus still have to
wash the silly thing and store it at the back of a cabinet... after
50 years it'll fetch big bucks on ebay... save the original packaging!